Canadian chicken wings
Energy 498 kJ (119 kcal) 6 %
Sugar 0.76 g 1 %
Fats 6.68 g 10 %
Saturates 0.16 g 1 %
Sodium 0.024 g 1 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
This not spicy, cheap and easy to produce food is delicious with potatoes or mashed potatoes.
chicken wings | cca 8 - 12 pieces | 800 g | 903,7 kcal |
garlic | 2 cloves or 1 tsp of granulated | 10 g | 11 kcal |
wholegrain mustard | 2 tsp {text: "In this case, we cannot use a different mustard - food would have totally different taste .."} code> |
20 g | 27,4 kcal |
barbecue sauce | 3 tsp | 30 g | 59,7 kcal |
sweet ketchup | 2 tsp (hot or sweet, to taste) | 20 g | 22 kcal |
worcester sauce | 1 tsp | 4 ml | 0,3 kcal |
soy sauce | 2 tsp | 8 ml | 4,4 kcal |
lemon juice | 2 tsp | 8 ml | 6,2 kcal |
ground cumin | 1/2 tsp - or crushed pepper of four colors | 1.3 g | 0,1 kcal |
sunflower oil | 2 tbsp (or 2 tbsp melted butter) | 14 ml | 116,2 kcal |
onion | 1 piece | 80 g | 32,9 kcal |
water | 2 tbsp | 0 | - |
- Put chicken wings in a marinating bowl, add crushed or granulated garlic, mustard, barbecue, ketchup, worcester sauce and soy sauce, lemon juice, black pepper, water, oil or butter and mix everything well.
- Marinate in the refrigerated for at least an hour, but the ideal time is around 6 hours.
- The contents of the bowl place into the baking dish, sprinkle with onion.
- With a lid on bake at 180° C for about 30 minutes.
- After this time, taste the sauce and add salt if needed. Stir everything well and bake at the same temperature until soft. At the very end of baking, we can remove the lid so that the wings get crispy crust.
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Phở bò tái
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