Cold dishes
Creamy egg spread
Egg spread is ready in a minute and is made of ingredients that are always in the fridge. |Creamy egg spread is excellent with bread and pastries.
1 serving $ 0.36
7883 15 minutes -
Are you discouraged by the price of this cake? In January 2014 in the center of Prague we have seen the same weight tiramisu for 1,000 crowns. Do you still find our recipe expensive? In addition, you'll know exactly what it contains and you can perhaps make a smaller portion. These ingredients are caunted on a really big cake. | This delicious cake is not intended for long-term storage because of the fresh eggs it contains. So make it always a fresh one and store it in the refrigerator up to 24 hours.
1 serving $ 0.36
7683 15 minutes -
Homemade pork jelly
You can make any jelly you can want, or use only ingredients you want.
1 serving $ 0.27
11226 2 hours -
Fish spread
Fast, cheap, healthy and tasty dinner, which you should certainly try.
1 serving $ 0.27
8893 30 minutes -
Mixed vegetable salad
Fast and very tasty salad with a few ingredients and lot of vitamins. Treat yourself with it instead of chips or crisps while watching TV. |When cutting, follow the rule: the harder the ingredient is the smaller pieces you cut.
1 serving $ 0.18
8230 15 minutes -
Strawberry ice cream
Many ice creams are no longer what they used to be. Do not worry and make your own! It is for a few bucks and almost without any chemicals.
1 serving $ 0.14
7562 5 minutes -
True steak tartare
A portion of this recipe is really big and if you make more toasts then it will be definitely enough for two persons. True tartare steak is more expensive, but who taste it once, will go for it again. This is a recipe for the true basic tartare. | Sirloin can also be easily scraped up with a knife and then just add other ingredients finely chopped.
1 serving $ 2.86
10609 15 minutes -
Home made cheese spread for a quarter price
According to this recipe, you will make about 500 grams very cheap and tasty cheese. | You can use different types of plain yogurt. Since each manufacturer uses its own types of bacteria, the taste will be always slightly different, but always really delicious.
1 serving $ 0.18
7426 1 day -
Cabbage salad with apples
Excellent, healthy, cheap and very simple salad which you have ready in a few seconds. |
Salad should be served chilled with meals or as a snack with bread or pastries.
1 serving $ 0.18
6780 5 minutes -
Homemade chocolate quark dessert
Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |
Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.
1 serving $ 0.23
9390 5 minutes -
Camembert spread with horseradish and apples
Delicious spread, which according to our videorecipe will handle anyone.
1 serving $ 0.32
8617 10 minutes -
Crab spread
Very simple and healthy recipe for crab sticks lovers.
1 serving $ 0.41
9956 5 minutes