Potatoes in their skin
Energy 401 kJ (96 kcal) 5 %
Sugar 0.59 g 1 %
Fats 2.72 g 4 %
Saturates 1.68 g 8 %
Sodium 0.18 g 8 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
Is it still far to payment and you want to make a healthy food? Then you go for this recipe!
potatoes | as needed | 250 g | 189,9 kcal |
butter | 1 tsp | 8 g | 58,7 kcal |
salt | 1/2 tsp | 1 g | 0 kcal |
chive | for decoration | 1 g | 0,5 kcal |
- Wash potatoes, place them in a suitable pot, add water and cook until tender.
- After about 15 minutes, test with a knife if they are soft. If so, pour off the water.
- Peel the potatoes, cut them into smaller pieces and serve sprinkled with chopped parsley or chives and a bit of butter. Do not eat the skin.
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Mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese
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1 serving $ 0.64
4612 30 minutes -
Coleslaw salad
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This dish is delicious with potatoes, but if someone may prefer dumplings...
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Home farmhouse bread
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First day keep it covered with a cloth, and then, as usual ... |
If you want bread without sunflower seeds, simply omit it. |
The more you want the bread soft, make the dough thinner and vice versa.
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Serve with fried egg or boiled egg and pickles. |
Instead of vinegar can be used brine from pickled cucumbers. |
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Easter stuffing
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In the stuffing traditionally belongs chopped young nettles. However, if you do not have it, a great substitution is a parsley. | It can be served as a separate dish, for example, with bread slices spread with mustard and stuffing or it is delicious with mashed potatoes. Serve with a rich vegetable garnish.
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Couscous - the basic preparation
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Sweet braised white cabbage
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Christmas coconut cookies
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Strawberry ice cream
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1 serving $ 0.14
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Vegetable patties with peas
The ingredients of the vegetable patties, you have full under control. For a few bucks you get plenty of healthy food without any chemicals. | Vegetable patties can be easily freezed. Put them in the freezer with a cutting board, and after an hour move them into a large plastic bag.
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