Quick sponge biscuits delicacy
Energy 1924 kJ (459 kcal) 23 %
Sugar 38.13 g 42 %
Fats 23.62 g 34 %
Saturates 13.64 g 68 %
Sodium 0.02 g 1 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
They are very well known, but not everyone knows that they are very simple to prepare. Older children like to prepare them - perhaps because of rum.
butter | 4 tbsp + 50g for filling | 110 g | 806,5 kcal |
powdered sugar | 5 tbsp + 50g for filling | 110 g | 421,4 kcal |
rum | 2 tbsp + 2 tbsp for filling | 28 ml | 66,9 kcal |
semi-skimmed milk | 2 tbsp | 14 g | 6,4 kcal |
sponge biscuits | crushed {text: "You can crush, grind, or mix... :-)"} code> |
150 g | 594,7 kcal |
cocoa | 2 tbsp | 20 g | 89 kcal |
- Into a suitable dish put 60 g butter, 60 g powdered sugar and mix roughly. Add 2 tablespoons rum, 2 tablespoons milk and 2 tablespoons cocoa. If you do not like much cocoa, put only one flat spoon and mix again.
- Gradually add crushed sponge biscuits. The dough should be firm and keep its shape.
- Filling is made simply by mixing the powdered sugar, butter and rum.
- Sprinkle the mold before filling with powdered sugar so the dough does not stick to it.
- Then fill it with the dough about 3 mm below the edge, because you need some space for the filling.
- The fiiling is applied so that it protrudes a little, which you use for sticking the sponge biscuit.
- prepare mold for this scones...
- into a suitable dish put 60 g butter and 60 g powdered sugar...
- mix roughly...
- add 2 tbsp Rum...
- 2 tbsp milk...
- 2 tbsp cocoa... (if you do not like much cocoa, put only one flat spoon)
- mix roughly again...
- gradually add crushed sponge biscuits...
- the total of 150g...
- filling is made simply by mixing 50g powder sugar and 50g butter...
- add 2 tbsp Rum...
- mix well...
- sprinkle the mold before filling with powder sugar...
- fill it with the dough...
- with a wooden spoon make space for the filling....
- and fill in a little bit of filling cream...
- remove the mold carefully and stick it on a sponge biscuit...
- and sponge biscuits delicacy is ready...
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{text: "Yes, if you omit all expensive ingredients such as nuts, candied fruit and chocolate, then you get the half price. Since we do not want to do that, so at the same price as in store we get cake, which is of 2 degrees better quality. ", title:" Will be the fruitcake certainly cheaper than the one from the store? "}
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