Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks
Energy 0 kJ (0 kcal) 0 %
Sugar 0 g 0 %
Fats 0 g 0 %
Saturates 0 g 0 %
Sodium 0 g 0 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
Absolutely environmentally friendly product and excellent bleach even for allergic, which is of same composition sold under the name Vanish. And we all know that it works. For a few bucks and the same composition made at home from available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifullly.
sodium percarbonate | (Na2CO3.1,5 H2O2) | 500 g | - |
TAED - Tetraacetylethylendiamin | 25 g | - |
- Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks begins with weighing sodium percarbonate. Put it in airtight jars and add 5% TAED, ie 25 g. This makes releasing of hydrogen peroxide at a lower temperature.
- Carefully mix and ecological bleaching washing powder is ready.
- Use from 30-95°C.
Similar video recipes can be found HERE
- weigh 500 g of sodium percarbonate (Na2CO3.1,5 H2O2)...
- put it in airtight jars...
- weigh 25 g of TAED... (tetraacetylethylendiamin)
- mix carefully and it is done...
Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per 1 washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary.
Keep away from children.
Both substances are biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.
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See more recipes
Home made cheese spread for a quarter price
According to this recipe, you will make about 500 grams very cheap and tasty cheese. | You can use different types of plain yogurt. Since each manufacturer uses its own types of bacteria, the taste will be always slightly different, but always really delicious.
1 serving $ 0.18
7426 1 day -
This cookies evokes the atmosphere of Christmas with all the trimmings. They are not only beautiful on Christmas tree or on the table but also taste delicious. |Decorating is a great fun also for children. Bake them and let kids decorate it. It will be fun for hours.
1 serving $ 0.14
8850 40 minutes -
Camembert spread with horseradish and apples
Delicious spread, which according to our videorecipe will handle anyone.
1 serving $ 0.32
8618 10 minutes -
Home made white yogurt
Yogurt is very easy to make. In addition,it will be much cheaper than the store-bought. |
All items must be sterilized - rinsed in hot water of at least 80°C. Although it is not true sterilization, but just for this purpose is enough. This is not just for jars and a lids, but also all other gadgets that come into contact while making yogurt. |
Nutrient culture - a yogurt that we use is a key ingredient. Therefore, choose it very carefully. |
As a yogurt maker may serve any space which keeps temperature in the range of 39 to 41°C. Some chefs and cooks use for this purpose an electric oven.
1 serving $ 0.14
5477 20 minutes -
Luxury onion soup
This surprisingly simple soup is also served in the most expensive restaurants, where it costs thirty times more than the production price is. The recipe is really so simple that it can handle even smart kid. |To get a full taste of cheese rolls, serve this soup always hot. |If you do not have broth, use 2-3 broth cubes, vegetarians certainly prefer vegetable broth. |You can make cheese rolls in advance. In a suitable container or plastic bag they will last for several weeks.
1 serving $ 0.27
8318 35 minutes -
Cinnamon snails
Excellent ultrafast delicacy. If you are expecting someone, this dish is just right.
1 serving $ 0.14
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Rice fritters
When you have leftover cooked rice in a fridge, remember this recipe and you will have dinner for free! |Rice frittters can be served with whatever you like, the most suitable is mashed potatoes or classic boiled potatoes.
1 serving $ 0.18
6835 30 minutes -
Quick sausage goulash
Lots of people does not know this combination of packet. It is popular mainly among young people, because it is already&well seasoned and it needs only a few ingredients. This dish is perfect when you do not want to spend hours of cooking.|
For this recipe it is absolutely crucial quality sausages. If you buy the cheapest sausages, thus will be the results.
1 serving $ 0.59
11364 30 minutes -
Homemade pork ham without emulsifier
In this video recipe you learn how to easily make homemade ham with 99% meat content. For a low salt content and the absence of many chemicals is compared to manufactured ham suitable for childeren. It is not only excellent, but you'll know exactly what it contains. It is really worth to try it. |
The only chemical that must be used is sodium nitrite. Without it, it would be just a piece of boiled meat, but still compared to manufactured ham it is much healthier, moreover, there are no strange color stabilizers etc.. Specifically, in this recipe, in 1 kg of ham there is only 0.075 g of sodium nitrite. Anyone who has ever eaten any sausages, already ingested nitrite in multiple quantities, so there's no need to worry. |
In the recipe ham contains as much salt as bought one. So if you do not like much salt, use less of curring salt - 20 g per kilogram of meat. |
This ham can not be stored as long as bought one. We recommend to use it up to 3 days or freeze it. It is also possible to use different containers with the possibility of vacuum - the suction air. |
This salt mixture cannot be used directly for flavoring meals.
1 serving $ 5.55
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Simple French potatoes
4553 90 minutes -
Fried meatballs Köttbullar IKEA with cream sauce
There is not a garlic in them, not even a pinch of marjoram, but the taste has attracted attention everywhere where Ingvar Kamprad has joined - the owner of a huge business under the name IKEA. |
After much experimentation, we bring a recipe for traditional balls, which we know from the store IKEA. This recipe has been translated from the Swedish website and weight ratios were adjusted to our used grams and milliliters. There are lot of recipies for these meatballs, but in our opinion, this recipe is very close to those of the original, and so much that you do not know the difference.... |
There is not original IKEA meatballs recipe, so don´t look for it. It is produced by several manufacturers and original recipe is a secret. Even one of the producers added to the meatballs soya, but he somehow failed to mention it among the ingredients on the packaging.
1 serving $ 0.64
8682 60 minutes -
Hamburger McDonalds original
In this recipe, we´ll show you how to wrap a hamburger. It is performed directly by McDonalds employee. |In this recipe it is not important how to prepare meat, but how to put ingredients on each other. Particular importance is put on hamburger wrapping. It's because the burger will taste different while it cools.
1 serving $ 1.27
9731 15 minutes -
Mixed vegetable salad
Fast and very tasty salad with a few ingredients and lot of vitamins. Treat yourself with it instead of chips or crisps while watching TV. |When cutting, follow the rule: the harder the ingredient is the smaller pieces you cut.
1 serving $ 0.18
8232 15 minutes -
Vegetable patties with peas
The ingredients of the vegetable patties, you have full under control. For a few bucks you get plenty of healthy food without any chemicals. | Vegetable patties can be easily freezed. Put them in the freezer with a cutting board, and after an hour move them into a large plastic bag.
1 serving $ 0.27
6845 40 minutes -
True pub goulash
How to cook true pub goulash without MASOX and glutamate? It's very simple.
1 serving $ 1.45
5244 120 minutes -
Orange gel for washing colored clothes
Advantages of the wash gel are generally known. But why to buy it if you can make it for a few bucks. |
Dose approximately 150-200 ml per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |
Industrially produced gels have a different consistency, which is easier to dose, but the effect on washing is same. |
If you want to use the gel on white linens, add this homemade bleach. Diapers and white linens will literally shine.
1 serving $ 0.05
4806 30 minutes -
Gingerbread with jam for five minutes
This gingerbread is made in a really short time. | Keep in mind that this recipe is really such an emergency - if you are in a hurry. If you have time, bake the gingerbread normel way in a hot oven, then it will be not only tastier but also it will last longer. In this case, bake at 180 ° C for about 20-30 minutes.
{text: "To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it´s a non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake."}
1 serving $ 0.23
6926 5 minutes -
Chicken soup
Excellent soup not only for the sick and weak, but also on Sunday´s table. As our grandmother used to say - it really has power. |
You can add to it not only pasta of any shape, but also rice.
1 serving $ 0.14
7679 1 hour -
Minced meat rolls
Quick, tasty and a cheap food. If you use quality minced meat without fat the rolls will be surprisingly tasty. |
Serve with potatoes, mustard and pickles.
1 serving $ 0.64
4574 40 minutes -
True cabbage soup
Great Cabbage soup without chemicals and stabilizers, as our grandmothers have cooked. |
Soup is excellent with fresh bread or pastries which can be white or wholemeal.
1 serving $ 0.14
6774 45 minutes